What is TADSummit?
TADSummit Asia is unique, it’s the only event focused on programmable communications in Asia.
The technologies covered include: Programmable Telecoms / Communications, CPaaS (Communications Platfrm as a Service), UCaaS (Unified Communications as a Service), CCaaS (Contact Center as a Service), conversational intelligence, identity and fraud management, open source telecom software, multi-factor authentication / instant authentication, Telecom APIs, WeobRTC, cloud communications, omni-channel communications, telecom infrastructure as code, etc.
If you are a CIO trying to understand what CPaaS, UCaaS, CCaaS, chatbots, cloud communications, conversational intelligence, omni-channel communications mean to your business. What is possible versus slideware. TADSummit will provide the clarity of insight you need.
If you are a technology or service provider in this segment you will meet peers with a track record of innovation, in an open environment, to help grow your businesses together. Creating the future faster.
For Telcos / CSPs (Communication Service Providers) and their strategic suppliers, TADSummit provides an independent thought leadership event to see the future of telecoms today, and help you build partnerships to grow your business.
For developers and students, TADSummit provides an insight to an exciting technology space that can set your career on a fast-track.
For regulators and thought-leaders you’ll meet the brain trust of the growth engine revolutionizing communications / telecoms, a $1.2 Trillion industry.
If you want to get involved as a sponsor or presenter, please contact us.
Understand What Programmable Communications Means For Your Business